Signs Your Diet is Nutrient Deficient

Between our soil depletion and the rise of artificial and processed foods, it’s no wonder nutritional deficiencies run ramped. In our day and age many people are walking around with serious deficiencies. While it’s common for people to ask whether or not this makes a difference we thought we’d share with you why this is a problem. As well as share with you the common signs your diet is nutrient deficient. Here are some common signs you should look for in your life or in that of your loved ones.
Signs Your Diet is Nutrient Deficient
- Fatigue. One very common sign your diet is low in nutrients is consistent and unexplainable fatigue. If you’re well rested, exercise regularly and are in good health your lack of whole and real nutrients might be the culprit!
- Weight Gain. Another unusual sign that your diet is lacking is in excessive weight gain. This happens because your body is not getting the nutrients it needs, but it is sending you signals to continue eating. As you fill your body with empty calories and highly processed food it is not able to function properly. Including your metabolism and digestion.
- Memory Loss. Our brains need natural fats and essential vitamins to function properly. When we starve our brains by low fat, processed foods our brains struggle to handle the demands of our daily lives. Over time this leads to increased stress, anxiety and memory loss.
Try Shilajit Today!
The only way to combat these symptoms is to begin balancing your diet. Including natural and whole foods is a great start. However, due to soil depletion there is only so much a healthy diet can do. In order to fully restore your diet to its nutrient dense state you must supplement it daily. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be difficult. Our Premium Shilajit is nutrient dense, easy to take daily, and provides you with all the daily nutrients you need!